The 10 Commandments of Leadership

Photo of a road leading to the mountains
  1. Make What Matters Really Matter: Hold yourself and others accountable for bringing your mission to life.
  2. Practice What You Preach: Be a role model for honesty, integrity, and walking the talk.
  3. Communicate with Care and conviction: Share what you know, be considerate and confident, and listen respectfully.
  4. Create the Involvement You Seek: Provide team members with meaningful opportunities to participate.
  5. Do Right by Those Who Do Right: Acknowledge and thank team members who meet or exceed your expectations.
  6. Provide What They Need to Succeed: Make sure team members have the tools, training, and support necessary to do their best work.
  7. Confront Challenges with Courage: Face difficult situations directly. Make the tough calls. Do what you know needs to be done.
  8. Let Differences Become Your Direction: Appreciate the uniqueness of all of your team members. Use it to move you beyond the status quo.
  9. Strive to Serve Others: Use your knowledge and skills for the betterment of all “customers.”
  10. Go Forth and Prosper: Build a lasting legacy. Accept that your ultimate purpose is to help everyone become successful.