Opportunities for Leadership and Growth with Toastmasters

Speech Contests

Once a year, Toastmasters holds contests. They start at club level, and club winners progress to area level, division level, District Level.

Leadership Roles

We elect officers twice a year. Roles are also available at area and division levels.

Leadership Training

Any member can attend leadership training and learn from general sessions as well as workshops.


A member can visit other Toastmaster clubs and see different ways to conduct meetings.


Hear advanced (even world-class) speakers. Meet others with similar interests. Learn from workshops and general sessions.

Mentor another Member

Once Toastmasters gain expertise, they may help a new member benefit from their experience.

Supplemental Programs

Advanced clubs are available after a member meets certain requirements. If you reach a point where you want to make speaking your profession, resources are available.

Sponsor or Mentor a New Club

Help a new club start or help a new club move to solid ground.

If members speak outside of the club, they may be able to gain club credit. See the Vice President of Education for details.