Toastmasters Membership in the Greater Davison Area Toastmasters Club is open to all individuals interested in advancing their speaking, leadership, and listening skills.
After joining, our VP of Education will assign you a mentor to help you have a positive Toastmaster experience.
As a member of Toasters International and Greater Davison Area Toastmasters, I promise
The following chart shows the cost of Toastmasters membership for new members, based on the month they join.
Paid only by new members. Covers costs of the New Member Kit and processing.
Greater Davison Area Toastmasters club dues are $2.00 a month, which amount to $12.00 each 6 months.
Dues are paid semi-annually and are due to Toastmasters International on or before April 1st and October 1st.
When writing a check, make it payable to “Greater Davison Area Toastmasters Club”. For other payment options, contact the club treasurer.
If you’re new to Toastmasters and would like to visit our club meetings before joining Toastmasters, we’d love to have you as our guest! Please drop us a line and let us know you’ll be coming. Here’s a visitor’s guide for visiting the Greater Davison Area Toastmasters Club meeting for the first time.