Roles of Toastmaster Club Officers

Roles of Toastmaster Club Officers


Serves as the club’s chief executive officer, responsible for general supervision and operation of the club. Provides the leadership and guidance a club needs to be successful. The president leads the business portion of each Club meeting, schedules regular executive committee meetings and sponsors the Distinguished Club Plan.

Current GDAT President: Louella Jamerson

VP of Education

Is responsible for planning successful club meetings so each member has the opportunity to achieve his or her educational goals; plans all regular and special club meetings and other special events; tracks members’ progress and maintains the club schedule; signs and approves achievement applications.

Current GDAT VP Education: Debra Loader

VP of Membership

Responsible for bringing new members into the Club and ensuring that the Club always has a minimum of 20 members. Conducts ongoing membership building programs and efforts; promotes the membership goal of one new member per month; conducts a minimum of 2 formal club membership programs annually; maintains a follow-up on and keeps track of guests, new members joining, and members not attending meetings; sends follow-up notes to guests; brings the applications to the club for voting; collects dues and fees to give to the treasurer with the applications.

Current GDAT VP Membership: Sheila Johnson

VP of Public Relations

Promotes the club to local media; produces and distributes a club newsletter at least monthly; promotes membership programs; keeps the club website up to date; and uses multi-media Facebook pages as taught by the district.

Current GDAT VP Public Relations: Kimberly Eddy


Keeps clear and accurate financial records of Club business and sees that the Club remains financially stable. (see officer’s manual for details) receives completed new member applications and dues; announces when dues are due and explains the dues’ structure; posts new members on Toastmasters Int'l website.

Current GDAT Treasurer: Jennifer Turner


Responsible for keeping clear and accurate records of meetings and business, including membership records and correspondence; maintains accurate membership roster; posts the new club officer list on within 10 days after the election; keeps club files.

Current GDAT Secretary: Lorie Lyons

Sergeant at Arms

Responsible for: maintaining materials and equipment between meetings; arranging the room and equipment for the meeting and welcoming all guests and members; arrives at least 10 minutes before the meeting begins; ensures the meeting starts on time; collects the ballots and tally votes for awards.

Current GDAT Sergeant at Arms: Position Open

Are you new to Toastmasters?

If you are new to Toastmasters and interested in visiting our Greater Davison Area Toastmasters club, we’d love to have you be our guest. We’ve put together a visitors packet for your first visit, here.