
This calendar shows our upcoming events. When a member logs into the website, they can click on an event on the calendar, and select roles, fill in speech information, and Toastmaster information.

July 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




















































Month/Year /

Monday July 1, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Open

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Open

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme: Happy birthday, America!

Word of the Day: Symbolic

Definition: 1) Serving as a symbol  2) Involving the use of symbols or symbolism 3) significant purely in terms of what is being represented or implied

Use: Some items that are symbolic of Independence Day are the U.S. flag, the National Anthem, and fireworks.


  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” — The Declaration of Independence, 1776
  • “The fact is, with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world.” — Michelle Obama

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Open

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Open

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Open

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Open

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Open

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Open
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday July 8, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Open

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Open

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Kimberly Eddy

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Open

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Open

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Open

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Open

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Open
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday July 15, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day SHEILA JOHNSON

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme:  Belonging to a Community


Definitions:  1.  a group of people living in the same place or havig a characteristic in common. : the scientific communitity”

                     2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common interests, attitudes and goals. “the sense of                               community that organized relion can provide”  or, if you will, Toastmastersut 

QUOTES:   “It’s one thing to be a part of an organization, it’s another thing to be a part of a community”.  -Travis Kelsey

                  “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community….Our            ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own”.

                                                                                                                                                           -Cesar Chavez

    “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of it’s members”.

                                                                                                                           -Coretta Scott King                        



7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Karen Church

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Open

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Sara Buffington-Johnson

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Open

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Debra Loader

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Debra Loader
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday July 22, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Debra Loader

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

How do you handle disappointment?    

Word of the Day is DISAPPOINTMENT

Disappointment-the unhappiness or discouragement that results when your hopes or expectations have not been satisfied, or someone or something that is not as good as you had hoped or expected.

Disappointment is an unavoidable part of life-but it’s not always easy to deal with, even if your setback is relatively minor.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

Dr. Charles Stanley “Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there’s a choice I make.

Marilyn Munroe “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Les Brown “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Franklin D. Roosevelt “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.


Jer. 29:11(NIV) For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Rom. 8:28(NASV) And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.


7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Lorie Lyons

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Open

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Open

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Lorie Lyons

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Debra Loader

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Debra Loader
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday July 29, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Louella Jamerson

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

WOTD: BRAVE (Bravery): having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty having or showing courage;   to face or endure with courage
THEME: Courage Under Fire/Pressure
QUOTES: “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” —Franklin D. Roosevelt
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” —Brené Brown
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” —Maya Angelou 
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” —E.E. Cummings
 Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” 

  • Deuteronomy 31:6 – 
    “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”
  • Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline”

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Kimberly Eddy

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators


The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Dave Seager

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Phil Portman

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Open

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Kimberly Eddy

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Louella Jamerson

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Louella Jamerson
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday August 5, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day SHEILA JOHNSON

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

THEME:  The emotion of frustration! Why are you there, how do you get out?

WOTD: Frustrate, frustrating, frustrated

DEFINITION: feeling discouragement, anger, even annoyance because of unresoved problems or unfufilled goals, desires or needs.

QUOTES: : “Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment”. 

                                                                                                                                  -Dale Carnegie

Who wants to stay there……?


             ” You’ve done it before and you can do it now!  See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of                          your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination”.

                                                                                                                                  -Ralph Marston Jr.

I think we all know who Dale Carnegie is, Ralph Marston Jr. is the author and publisher of, The Daily Motivator.


7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Louella Jamerson

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Karen Church

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Debra Loader

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Dave Seager

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Louella Jamerson

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Debra Loader

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Louella Jamerson
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday August 12, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Lorie Lyons

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme: Themes from the Olympic Games

Quote: “I made the team?!” by a young girl in a Dick’s Sporting Goods commercial

Word of the Day: Stimulus

Definition: A thing that rouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive

Educational Focus: Using your audience’s energy to drive your presentation

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Phil Portman

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Dave Seager

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Louella Jamerson

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Kimberly Eddy

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Gene Kopczyk

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Dave Seager

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1


7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Sara Buffington-Johnson

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Phil Portman

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Louella Jamerson

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Louella Jamerson
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday August 19, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Karen Church

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme – Abundance

WOD – Copious

Definition – Synonym of abundant and plentiful. It is always used before a noun to describe something very large in amount or number. 

Quote – Copious as stars, and glad as morning light, the torrents of her joy. Walt Whitman

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Debra Loader

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Paul Gillie

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Dave Seager

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics


Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Open

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Louella Jamerson

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Louella Jamerson
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday August 26, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Louella Jamerson

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Kimberly Eddy

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme: Go with the Slow

It’s a real challenge to slow down and reconnect with ourselves and those around us. By being present, intentional, and compassionate, we can foster stronger relationships and build a more connected community. Over the last several months, I’ve been learning more about the importance of connection, and the value of slowing down to appreciate the simple things in life.

Word of the Day: Presence 

Presence refers to the state of being fully engaged and aware of the current moment. It involves being mentally, emotionally, and physically present without being distracted by thoughts of the past or future. When you are present, you are fully focused on what is happening around you and within you.


“The only thing that is truly yours is the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle

“We’re a species that rushes through everything, then complains that time flies.” Steve Maraboli

“Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. It is simply a matter of paying attention to what is happening in the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle

“I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.” Dr J. Roscoe Miller, president of Northwestern University (this is the basis of the Eisenhower Matrix)


7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Gene Kopczyk

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators


The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Jennifer Turner

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Sara Buffington-Johnson

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Lorie Lyons

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Louella Jamerson

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Karen Church

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Gene Kopczyk

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Open

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Louella Jamerson
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024

Monday September 2, 2024 7:00 PM EDT

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

President Call to Order Open

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Open

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Open

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators

Evaluator Open

The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Open

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Open

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Open

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator
Evaluator 2 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

Speaker Open

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

Speaker 2 Open

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Open

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

Evaluation Team Open

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

VP Fills Roles for Next Open

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

President Closes Open
Meeting Ends

Meeting Ends

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site

RSVP deadline is past

Event Types:

Posted by Kimberly Eddy on March 22, 2024


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© 2024 Greater Davision Toastmasters Club | Davison, Michigan