Greater Davison Toastmasters Regular Toastmasters Meetings

Monday August 28, 2023

Club Mission: We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.


Louella Jamerson

VP of Education
Debra Loader

VP of Membership

VP of Public Relations
Kimberly Eddy

Lorie Lyons

Jennifer Turner

Sgt. at Arms
Gene Kopczyk

7:00-7:08 – President: Call to Order

7:00 to 7:08 PM
President Call to Order SHEILA JOHNSON

The President or Presiding Officer extends greetings to members and guests and shares the Mission Statement for our club and for Toastmasters. The President then leads the audience in a time of self-introduction and response to an ice-breaker question. A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed, per person.

The President or Presiding Officer introduces tonight’s Toastmaster and releases lectern to Toastmaster.

7:08-7:13 – Toastmaster of the Day

Toastmaster of the Day Paul Gillie

The Toastmaster of the day sets the meeting theme and tone while introducing the evening’s program. Our Toastmaster will present the Word of the Day and examples of that word in common usage, a quote and the educational focus for the evening.

Meeting Theme, Word of the Day, Definition, and Quotes:

Theme:  Labor

Word of the Day: Prosper (v):  to succeed in an enterprise or activity. especially: to achieve economic success. 2. : to become strong and flourishing

Prosperity (n):  The condition of being prosperous (of course)

Prosperity is far more than wealth; it is when all people have the opportunity and freedom to thrive.  Prosperity is underpinned by an inclusive society, with a strong social contract that protects the fundamental liberties and security of every individual. It is driven by an open economy that harnesses ideas and talent to create sustainable pathways out of poverty. And it is built by empowered people, who contribute and play their part in creating a society that promotes wellbeing. (


“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
– Confucius

“A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor.”
– Victor Hugo

“Without labor nothing prospers.”
– Sophocles

“Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is the lightning that does the work.”
– Mark Twain

“Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.”
– Joseph Joubert

Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.—Alexander The Great

7:13-7:14 -The General Evaluator

General Evaluator Dave Seager

The General Evaluator leads the evaluation team and ensures the evaluation roles are covered. They evaluate everything that takes place during the meeting.

The General Evaluator Introduces the rest of the evaluation team.

The Evaluation Team

7:14-7:15 – Speech Evaluators


The Speech Evaluator evaluates one of the speeches in tonight’s meeting, explaining what they will be looking for in the speech and the feedback they will give at the end of the night.

7:15-7:16 – Ah Counter

Ah Counter Lorie Lyons

The Ah Counter explains the value of identifying filler words and hesitations that were used in our speech tonight.

They count and record filler words such as “ah”, “er”, and “um”. At the end of the night, the Ah Counter reports on our filler word usage at the end of meeting.

7:16-7:17 – Grammarian

Grammarian Taylor Neeley (guest)

The Grammarian identifies proper use of the English language and recognizes the use of the word of the day.

7:17-7:18 – Timer

Timer Debra Loader

The Timer times each person’s presentation to ensure accurate use of the allotted times.


7:19-7:20 – Toastmaster introduces the first speech evaluator

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #1 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #1.

7:20-7:27 – Speaker 1

7:08 to 7:15 PM
Speaker Arthur Desjardins
Visionary Communication Level 2 Learning Your Style – Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring
5 – 7 minutes
How I started rock climbing

Speakers have reserved 7 minutes out of 7 planned

7:27-7:28 – The Toastmaster summarizes the first speech, and introduces the second Speech Evaluator.
Evaluator 3 Open

The Speech Evaluator will discuss the purpose and objectives for the first speech, as well as the length of the speech.

The Toastmaster reads the prepared introduction for Speech #2 before releasing the lectern to Speaker #2

7:28-7:35 – Speaker 2

7:15 to 7:22 PM

Speakers have reserved 0 minutes out of 7 planned

Table Topics

7:35-7:36 – Toastmaster Introduces the Topics Master

7:36-7:51 – Table Topics

Table Topics Jennifer Turner

Table Topics provides an opportunity for others to practice impromptu speaking, with creative questions. Once Table Topics is complete, the Topics Master returns the lectern to the Toastmaster.

7:51-8:04 – Evaluations

7:22 to 7:35 PM
Evaluation Team Dave Seager

The Toastmaster summarizes the speech portion of the meeting, and introduces the General Evaluator.

General Evaluator and the Evaluation Team

Each speech evaluator discusses the speech, with its strengths, areas for improvement (Glow and Grow), followed by evaluations by the rest of the Evaluation Team:

  • The Ah Counter details the improper use of filler words.
  • Our Grammarian will evaluate our use of the English language and the Word of the Day.
  • The Timer will give their report on how well we kept to the allotted times.

The General Evaluate will present an overall review before returning the lectern to the Toastmaster.

The Toastmaster makes closing comments before turning the lectern over to the President or Presiding Officer.

8:04-8:15 – Closing

The VP of Education seeks to fill roles for upcoming meetings.

7:35 to 7:38 PM
VP Fills Roles for Next Louella Jamerson

The President invites input from our guests, summarizes upcoming events, and deals with any club business.

7:38 to 7:43 PM
President Closes SHEILA JOHNSON
Meeting Ends
7:43 to 7:47 PM

President or Presiding officer closes the meeting.

Meeting Ends